Basloe Group

Set Your Goals for 1st Quarter 2018

2018, goal setting, work I can be passionate about, make money for me, income system, make money right, multiple income, marketing compensation, income online, earning an income, network marketing, MLM, freedom of time and money, work at my own pace, downsized, income opportunities, work from home, self employment opportunities, be my own boss, economic freedom, make money from home, online, The Basloe Group, Sara Basloe

It is a new beginning. Have you set your goals? You have a new year in front of you, ok, well most of it. As we are days into the year, I am wondering if you have thought about your 1st quarter goals yet? When asked to goal set, most people can rattle off their […]


I was impressed and surprised as I heard a presentation on objections in selling. I thought about objections and how I see them as brick walls that suddenly rise up in front of me when I am sharing something I am passionate about. I see it as major resistance, almost a staging area for a […]

Wondering how to break the ice with friends?

Has this happened to you? You meet up with a friend you haven’t seen in a while. She’s on your list to contact about your business, but you just haven’t made that contact yet. You want to break the ice, and you think she would be great, but you don’t want to approach her at […]

How to Create Powerful Questions You Can Ask Yourself

The stories in your head are the stories of your life. The foundation of the stories are the questions you ask yourself. Most of us were taught the 5 best words to find out information in asking a question are: Who? What? When? Where? How? And, would you agree that these are excellent ways to […]

Simple Scripts You Will Love To Introduce Your Business

One of the things that stops people from making that list and then actually contacting people about the business is fear of what to say; and how to answer questions and deal with objections. Here are some simple ideas to break the ice. Remember, you aren’t a professional sales person; you are simply sharing information. “Hey […]

Questions for an Effective Sponsoring Interview

Success in sponsoring others comes as a result of – Finding the need – filling the need. Asking good questions so that you obtain the information you need, as well as guide your prospect to the answers he/she needs to make a good decision puts you on the road to success. What motivated you to meet with me […]

Ask Powerful Questions and LISTEN to the answers.

Whether you are working with a potential customer for your products; speaking with a prospect about the business potential; or working with a team member, asking POWERFUL questions is a habit you’ll want to engage in regularly. The more you know about people, the more effective you will be in finding a need and filling […]