Basloe Group

success, successful, celebrate, win, new experiences, work life balance, empathetic, leadership, The Basloe Group


LinkedIn Influencer Jeff Haden published this post originally on LinkedIn.

Let’s face it, we all have wins in our life that we can consider successes but is it hard to be extraordinarily successful? Let’s see what you think. 

Success it not like a recipe where you mix the same ingredients in a bowl and everyone comes out with exactly the same product. We know this is not true of baking and it surely is not true of success. 

Let’s see what you think about these 9 indicators of amazing success: 

1. You have a heart that celebrates others wins. 

Successful teams win because their most talented teammates are willing to sacrifice to make others happy. Successful teams help each other, work well together, set aside personal differences for a common goal and value the mission and purpose more than anything else. This is where teams succeed, when we can all celebrate the accomplishments of another no matter how big or small. It takes a tribe to have massive success. 

Let’s face it, you have probably been on a team that did not celebrate everyone. It all starts with you as the team leader. Make sure you are modeling the celebration of others first. 

2. You are always seeking new experiences. 

Some people see chasing dreams as a silly and frivolous thing to do but finding novelty hobbies and things to do is simply you keeping yourself busy from boredom. 

According to Dr. Robert Cloninger, “Novelty seeking is one of the traits that keeps you healthy and happy and fosters personality growth as you age … If you combine adventurousness and curiosity with persistence and a sense that it’s not all about you, then you get the creativity that benefits society as a whole.”

As Cloninger says, “To succeed, you want to be able to regulate your impulses while also having the imagination to see what the future would be like if you tried something new.”

This sounds like every successful person I know.

3. Live your life! 

Do you think there is even such a thing as a work-life balance? The successful people I know don’t stew on working too much nor do they overcompensate to be with family. They just are. For the successful people I know there is no separation because it is all these things that make them who they are.

You certainly don’t want to work all the time nor do  you want to be with family all the time. Successful people find ways to include interests, hobbies, passions and personal values in their everyday life. You are not living if you are always working.

4. Empathetic Leadership.

Exceptionally successful leaders go beyond solving a need or a problem. Instead they put themselves in the shoes of their employees to become a larger part of their life. Empathetic leaders make the other people around them feel valued and worthy.

Here’s what that looks like in practice.

No matter what ranks, awards and recognition you achieve, it always comes back to the TEAM of people that helped you get there. It is not about YOU – ever.

Tune in next week for the final 5 indicators.


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Much Success!

Have an outstanding day!!



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