Basloe Group

When you hear the words strategic planning my guess is that you will say, strategic planning in Network Marketing / MLM? Why that is only for the big guys.

strategic plan






It is time to treat your business like you are one of the big guys. I was doing some research on Network Marketing and found a list of the top 400 income earners in MLM/Network Marketing.  There were well over a hundred people making over one million dollars a year. Do you believe these people are doing strategic planning? You bet they are.

What is a strategic plan? According to Wikipedia it “is an organization’s process of defining its strategy  or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources (for you, it is your time) to pursue this strategy. In order to determine the direction of the organization, it is necessary to understand its current position and the possible avenues through which it can pursue a particular course of action. Generally, strategic planning deals with at least one of three key questions:

  1. “What do we do?”
  2. “For whom do we do it?”
  3. “How do we excel?”

In many organizations, this is viewed as a process for determining where an organization is going over the next year.”

Think of yourself like a million dollar earner. Yes it is one step at a time but if you have the vision laid out and the strategy set you can do this. When I started with my network marketing company my husband and I made the strategic plan for what we would do as follows:

1 Every day make at least 10 follow up calls.

2 Visit at least 2 networking events a week.

3 Meet at least 5 qualified prospects a week.

4 Commit to 1 year of this level of activity and review.

The strategic plan was right on the money. We have been with our network marketing company for 8 years. We could not have done this without this strategic plan.


It is important to do 3 things with your strategic plan:

1 Write it down in great detail.

2 Schedule your plan actions on your calendar.

3 Have an accountability partner to meet with at the end of every week to celebrate your taking action and your results.


4 Make every day strategic.  Do not miss one day of activity.
5 Schedule your follow up time. Pretend those meeting times are to meet with the President of your Network Marketing company. You would never miss a meeting with the President! When you keep these meetings every day and week you will find yourself, for real, meeting with the President of your company because you will be a star!!!

Much Success!!

Have an outstanding week!





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