Basloe Group

gremlinHow many times do you hear that in your head: Can and Can’t?

I notice that new Distributors start their Network Marketing experience with I CAN. That is why they join.  They know in that moment they CAN.  And, a few weeks later when success is still in the process of happening, but not fast enough, they hear,



There’s a not-so-old adage that says, “Some people think they can, and some people think they can’t, and they’re both right.” It’s a good adage.

What “I can’t’s” are floating around in your head that you’re not conscious of now or in the past?  Many times we cannot distinguish between the CAN AND CAN’T conversations that go on in our own heads.  It is important to be discerning about these comments.

I can tell you that when you have an awareness of the “I can’t’s” that it will begin to change your life.  You can make different choices. What I noticed is I began to really know myself.  Some may be accurate and that gives you a chance to bring awareness to making a choice to build the skills and abilities to be who you want to be.   “A lot of your “I cant’s”, however, may be subtle and yet powerfully self-limiting, like “I can’t change, “ “I can’t commit to a relationship,” “I can’t remember names” or “I can’t fix anything with my hands,” or “I can’t relax,” or the granddaddy of all “I can’t” Myths: “I can’t handle it.” The “I can’t handle it” myth gets applied in all sorts of circumstances. I never know what people mean when they say I can’t handle it. Do they mean that if they handle it they’ll explode, or melt maybe?” (Taming Your Gremlin by Rick Carson)

Now in the future, when you hear “I can’t” in your head, please notice the impact it is making on you.  Notice the difference by replacing it with “I choose not” or “I do not want to”, more empowering phrases. This is you consciously taking responsibility for your actions, choices and needs.  It tames the voice inside that is telling you what you can’t do. Now the choice is yours.

The gremlin is limiting beliefs that have become habits. Change your awareness and change your life. Be in charge of your “I cans” and have fun celebrating your growth and successes.

Have an outstanding day!


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