It’s difficult to read through scratched lenses. You can’t see the stars through a cloudy telescope.
You can’t achieve your goals without clarity.
Most people believe clarity comes from defining your goals and it starts there; however, true clarity comes when you articulate your purpose for achieving your goals.
Have you ever gone to a workshop and left feeling 100% committed to taking action, but after a couple weeks didn’t do anything with the information you learned, and couldn’t remember why your intended action seemed so exciting in the first place?
When there isn’t a clear purpose behind your actions, it’s easy to remain stuck in your old habits. Purpose is the fuel that keeps you going each day and is necessary to establish consistent action. It’s the difference between goals that are a MUST vs. goals we “should” achieve.
Here are some tips to help you create and maintain clarity around your goals:
· Written Articulation. Writing your goals are vital to achieving them. Your brain receives 294 exabytes of information daily (the equivalent of 17 newspapers), so it’s easy for goals that stay in your head to get lost among the other information floating around in there. Writing your goals also forces you to get specific. The more specificity around your goals, the more resourceful you will be in achieving them.
· Strong Purpose. If there isn’t a reason/MUST for achieving your goal right now, you will continue to put it off. Your purpose is the fuel for taking action each day. Without a strong purpose you will not connect with your goal at a level high enough to take consistent action each day.
· Visualization. Clarity allows for vivid mental stimulation. Often goals feel far away, since your brain doesn’t know the different between what is fake and what is real. Visualizing your result and the actions necessary to achieve it will help bring the result closer.
· Daily (Re)Focus. There are so many distractions in life it is easy to get off track. You have to (re)focus on your purpose and goals DAILY. Keep your result and purpose at the forefront of your mind by focusing on it through daily visualization.
· Clarity is POWER. Be clear on what you want, condition your brain to work toward your intended desired outcome, take purposeful action and the results will follow!
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Much Success!
Have an outstanding day!!