Have you ever said you want a specific result but then didn’t take consistent daily action necessary to achieve it? Most people answer yes. What prevents a seemingly motivated person from making progress toward their goal?

Most people are dabblers who pretend to be committed. Dabblers are in the game, but are not in the game to win it. They say they are committed to an outcome, then use softeners and stories to make themselves feel better when they don’t achieve the result. Top softeners include: lack of time (not enough time in the day), blaming (spouse, family, boss, co-workers), busyness (very busy), and trying (I tried but it didn’t work).
Five Keys to Commitment Are:
1. A strong, compelling result. Most people create vague results that feel too big and far away for them to achieve. These statements include: “I want a happy marriage,” or “I want to earn $25K per month.” Neither is specific enough to produce momentum. Instead create a specific, emotionally charged, measurable result that gets you excited to plan.
2. The cost of not achieving the goal is painful. It’s important to clearly articulate what it will cost you if you don’t achieve the result. Document the costs of remaining stagnant. What will it cost your family? How will your life be negatively impacted by not achieving your result? Keep your painful triggers close to help filter out distractions when they come.
3. Have a purpose so strong it pulls you into action. It is imperative you are clear on “why“ you MUST achieve your result today. Your purpose serves as fuel on the days you don’t want to do the work or when you feel like giving up. Create a list of 6-12 reasons “why” you MUST achieve your result NOW!
4. The decision you are willing to do whatever it takes to reach your result. Declaring your commitment is your conscious decision to say YES to your result and NO to everything else. It’s important to consider inner conflicts – you won’t achieve your result if the fear of what you have to give up is greater than your desire to achieve your result. Make a list of the sacrifices necessary to achieve your result. Be truthful with yourself; are you willing to do what it takes?
5. Create accountability. Declare your intentions to others who will support you and hold you accountable for achieving it. Find a chief accountability partner/coach and create weekly check-ins. You will do more when you know others are depending on you, than you will do if you are left on your own.
With this as your guide, what are you committed to achieving? Take action TODAY!
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Much Success!
Have an outstanding day!!