Rate Your Consistency
We have all heard the statement that consistency is king. 
But yet why are only 20% of all people consistent?
Well the Paredo principle states that 20% of all people net 80% of the results. As a society we have said, that number is okay. But is it? It affects everything in our lives.
Your performance (consistency) affects your self-esteem, your livelihood, your contribution, your relationships, your wealth and so much more.
So let’s look at consistency from a viewpoint of why aren’t people consistent.
Ray Higdon is an industry coach and trainer that supports all network marketing companies. Let’s see what he has to say about the lack of consistency.
Ray Higdon says this:
“The number one reason that someone isn’t consistent is because it’s a protection mechanism. It’s protecting that person from creating too much success. And I know that sounds strange. It’s like, well, who doesn’t want that? Who wants less success? Well, the person that has the incorrect assumption or belief about success will prevent it.
“And so, often people are seeking more information or strategies or tips or nuggets or tactics or concepts or hashtags, or what’s the latest, greatest whatever, right? AI, recruiting, automation bullshit. And what they really need is to understand that because that person abandoned them earlier in life, they have this theme that’s showing up as a business problem.
“And so if you’re not consistent, you’re drawing the wrong conclusions. That’s it, that’s all it is. You’re drawing the wrong conclusions.
“You’re either not understanding that with consistency, you can make a big impact on this planet, you can help more people, you can feel better about yourself, you can create self-worth where there was none, or you’re just protecting yourself. Maybe, here’s a real common one, and in fact in our book we talk about this, but here’s another common one. It’s just a protection mechanism.”
So if this is the case for you, the real thing we should be doing in our lives, whether building a business or not, is look at our habits and really dive into WHY we aren’t consistent rather than trying over and over again to master a habit. That is kind of like hitting your head against a wall multiple times in a row.
That is fun for no one.
I know you can be consistent if you dive into your life. If you need help with that, let me know.
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Much Success!
Have an outstanding day!!
I came across your email today and I have been telling folks that consistency is the key to success in all endeavors.
Just this morning I shared with a person;
I am starting a fitness program for seniors consisting of hooping (used instead of hula hooping to appeal to men). It’s consist of hooping, figure eight ribbon movement, ogx and a sensible diet. I shared that consistency is the key to achieve fitness goals. I will read your article until I fully understand your message. Thank you so much, this timing is unbelievable.
Nice blog post. Indeed I have NOTHING consistent in my life… Would be an improvement. I’m starting a new business… it is one thing to keep in mind.