Basloe Group

Wow! What does that mean? Well, truly a key to success in this
business is to become emotionally resilient. Have a well-oiled
back and let things run off of it!

Take yourself out of the equation at every possible turn. Stop
taking the decisions of other’s personally.


not personal

We are all here and in this world to live our own experiences.

So it’s imperative that we realize that business is really just
business and it is NOT personal.

When someone says no to your business or your products, they really are NOT saying no to you.


When you think about it, it’s kind of self-centered to think that
another person’s decision does have anything to do with you.

Just as you respect the decision you have made to have your
business, respect everyone else’s decisions when it comes to
your business.

There are PLENTY of people out there for whom your business
and your products are right. Your goal is to keep uncovering
stones until you find those people.

You don’t have time to worry over the ones who say no! You have
a job to do. Get out there and find the YESES!

Have a successful day!


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