Have you ever been told you were emotional? I think we all have.

All of us can experience a range of emotions every day from joy and hope to frustration, overwhelm or fear. Negative emotions can be a call to action, telling us something needs to change. When you pay attention to these signals, you can change the quality of your experience and the quality of your life immediately. You are always in control of how you feel.
Listed below are the most common emotions ranging from happy down to unhappy feelings. The first step is to identify the emotion you are currently feeling. Are you on the downward or upward spiral? Then look at the emotions one or two steps above your current state and ask yourself, “what would I have to believe in order to feel that way now”? And, “what am I willing to do to make it the way I want it”? Finally, “what’s great about this or what can I learn from where I am right now”?

It isn’t reasonable to jump from fear directly up to joy. But by making incremental changes over time, you start to experience what you want to feel on a more consistent basis. Too often we make our “emotional home” on the downward spiral and just get used to living with worry, discouragement, or blame. However, by directing your focus with powerful questions, you can start to cultivate feelings of enthusiasm, passion, and joy. And when you do, you will start attracting the experiences, events, and people into your life that resonate with your new emotional vibrational home.
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Much Success!
Have an outstanding day!!