Basloe Group

Men and Women

I hope you are sitting down, I have something big to hit you with… ready…? you sure?…..

Men and Women are different!

We are wired differently and we often think very differently from each other. What does this mean in business? It means…. ready? you sure?…

Men and Women are different in business.

We DO business differently than each other.

In fact, we… are all…. different. No one single person is wired and thinks exactly the same as you or I do.

WHOA! it’s big I know. But it’s ok. 🙂 When we know about these differences in how people think, and in how people do things we can learn to work with our differences. There is no one way of thinking between men or women or you or I that is the “right” way. (Well OK I might be a little bias on my way… kidding! 🙂 Aren’t we all!) 🙂

We all need to have our different ways to look at the world for the world to be successful. What if Einstein, Doctor King, or Elvis would have not been willing to look at the world in their own way? Science, Civil Rights and Music would likely not be what they are today.

Something that I was recently reminded, was that men and women think differently about PLANNING.

As in many parts of life, men are often much better a focusing on one task to completion. Men have short and sweet to do lists, checking one thing off before moving on to the next. Men also tend to celebrate when a list is completed.

The pros: laser focus, often can get many projects completed

The cons: running errands can often cost a lot in gas money 🙂

Women are wonderful planners, looking at the big picture and down to the little details. Women have long, exhaustive lists often including make different parts of life into one list. Women pride ourselves on multitasking, which leads to lots of partially completed projects, that often don’t get celebrated at completion because we move onto the next item right away.

The pros: many projects are started and moving to completion at the same time, strength at looking at the big picture

The cons: can drown in multitasking and be left spinning their wheels

What does this mean? It means that we need both types of thought to be get things done. And when we can work WITHIN our differences, we will likely find things will move along much smoother.

Have you noticed that sometimes “adjusting” how you naturally think about things, such as like planning you can skip smoothly ahead, instead of trying to force the world in your box of though?

Have a Successful Day!
