We have all experienced the “client from hell” but have you experienced your ideal client?
The difficult client that is never satisfied regardless of how much extra you do for them; the one who complains incessantly and leaves you feeling inadequate, incompetent, and exhausted.
It’s important to recognize you choose to work with clients from hell out of LACK. Either you lack from fearing there isn’t enough business so you are stuck working with anyone, OR you lack a clear definition of your ideal client, OR both.
It’s time to fire the “client from hell” and work with your ideal client.

The following exercise will help you articulate the qualities you desire in your Ideal Client.
Please do not read ahead. Do each part of the exercise and then move on to the next part.
1. Describe your Ideal Client – all the characteristics of your ideal client. Think about the qualities of the clients you enjoy, including but not limited to: geographical location, salary, behaviors, ready to close in 30 days, etc. The list should include a minimum of 10 characteristics.
· Even though you were asked to create a long list it is important to focus on what you really want. Once you have a list of adjectives, highlight the top five characteristics your ideal client MUST HAVE.
2. Describe your Client From Hell – all the qualities of a client you cannot stand. Consider characteristics from past clients that were difficult, including but not limited to: couldn’t make a decision, demanding, doesn’t listen, outside of 20 mile radius of office, etc.
· Once you have all the adjectives, highlight the top five items your client MUST NOT HAVE. These five items are your deal-breaker characteristics. You will not work with a client with these five characteristics.
3. Then describe the type of person YOU HAVE TO BE to attract your IDEAL CLIENT – describe the values, characteristics, conduct, and habits required to attract your Ideal Client.
· Since we cannot be all things to all people, once you have your list of adjectives highlight the top five characteristics that show off your BEST SELF at work.
4. If you currently have clients that do not your characteristics, rate the client on each characteristic using a scale of 0-5 (0 being does not have any of the traits you described – 5 being it describes the career perfectly) for each of your top 5 MUST HAVEs, top 5 MUST NOT HAVEs and then rate yourself on each of your top 5 BEST SELF characteristics.
Congratulations!! You now have a filter to determine who you hire as your next client, who you fire as a client, and your required characteristics to attract your Ideal Client!
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Much Success!
Have an outstanding day!!