Basloe Group

Teammates and team building takes work.

There is no question about it. One of my most successful things I have done in the network marketing industry is know my teammate’s desires.

How did I learn what these were?

I build relationships with those that I worked with. We openly discussed what each of us wanted our desires to look like. This came down to finding their why for building a network marketing business.

team, teammate, teammates, desires, network marketing, MLM, direct sales, The Basloe Group, relationship, organization,

Knowing their desires is the key, but what is most important is to keep selling them on their initial desire. If they have accomplished it, then you can remind them of their new desire.

As your organization grows, it is important to always have a dream/goal/desire that is bigger than where you are at right then. Once you have the cars, the home, the trips, the relationship, then what? You have to always have something out in front of you to be proud of.  Something that is compelling.

If you do not dream bigger, stretch your imagination and desires and your life is pretty set, why would you want to continue to carry on? Why not just lay low, be comfortable and settle into life?

If you don’t have a team now, don’t worry, you will. Until then focus on your ultimate desire. What do you want to create in your life? What things, what feelings, whom will be in your everyday? When you determine this, you’ll know it when it shows up.

I love this YouTube video that Matthew McConaughey said, “You have to have a hero.” That hero for him is himself ten years from now. Talk about living for a bigger cause!  Make your future self proud.

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Much Success!


Have an outstanding day!!




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