How do you stack?
Have you ever had a day when you wake up in the morning and realize the alarm never went off, get out of bed and stub your toe, get in the shower and there is no hot water, get dressed and the shirt you planned to wear is wrinkled, go for coffee and realize there’s none, get in your car and there’s not enough gas to get to work, and now you are late?
You wonder, could the day get any worse? It does because when you get to work you relive your morning over and over every time someone asks, “How are you?” or you tell them even when they don’t ask.
This piling of negative circumstances and feelings is called stacking. Stack? yep, stacking!
Ironically, the definition of “stack” is to shuffle (a deck of cards) dishonestly so as to gain an unfair advantage,” and yet when it comes to emotions the tendency is to stack against ourselves.
What would change if you focused on the moments you appreciate each day?
Today I woke up and took a deep breath, smelled clean air, walked to the bathroom on my own two feet, experienced a hot shower, wore my favorite shirt, enjoyed a rich cup of coffee, and had a smooth drive to work.
Since your brain’s primary job is to answer your questions and prove you right, you get more of what you focus on whether you are consciously focused or not.
Be mindful of your thoughts so you can stack for success.
Five Stacking For Success Tips:
- Gratitude journal. Writing in a daily gratitude journal is an effective way to notice and focus on the gifts currently in your life.
- Words for the day. There is power in our words. Choose 3 – 5 power words at the start of your day, write them on a sticky note and put them in your view to stack positive feelings throughout the day.
- Best part of your day. Make a habit of talking about the best part of your day with family or friends during meals.
- Evening recap. End your day by recapping what worked, what didn’t work, and what you would do different to create the result you want for tomorrow.
- Weekly Successes. Literally stack your successes by writing them down each week.
Isn’t it time you gain your unfair advantage in life? Stack for success!
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Much Success!
Have an outstanding day!!