Why Accountability Works

Accountability Works. This begs the question, “Do you have projects that you committed to get done but they seem to drag on for months?” Most of us do. We all do this at one time or another. […]
Accountable to Achieve Your Goals
This is it, the last blog of 2016 with only a few days left of the year. This is the week that everyone is throwing around the word – resolutions. I am going to encourage you to be resolved in your goals and dreams and to put an accountability plan in place starting on Monday, […]
Celebrate and Be Grateful!
Tis the season to celebrate all we have, all we are and all those who are in our lives. There is so much to be grateful for! One of the things I always encourage people in my life to do is to take a time to “celebrate”. We recently took inventory of all we did […]
7 Tips on How To Live in Appreciation vs. Expectation
You know the feeling! The one where you hope, dream and cross your fingers for that special something to come true now or in the near future. It is called expectation. You can have expectation for yourself or for others. Perhaps you know someone that was trying to achieve something significant. The excitement around expectation […]
“You’re Fired!” When Accountability Sucks
I recently went to a small business seminar. We talked about important parts of business and even a few dos and don’ts, but something that we didn’t talk much about, that stood out to me on the drive home, was accountability in business. When working for someone else, what holds you accountable? Well mainly, if […]
What Does Being Accountable Say About You?
I have been thinking, studying and talking about accountability. How do you chunk down this skill into understandable pieces? 3 Parts of Accountability 1. Personal Attributes or inherent qualities 2. Accountability vs responsibility 3. Allowing others to be accountable The first part in Accountability for thought and discussion is Personal Attributes. In […]
Are You Struggling With Success?
Are you struggling in your business; making calls but feel like you really aren’t getting anywhere? Does it feel like it is easier for everyone else? Did you know that most home business owners start out feeling this way? Even the ones who go on to wild success! The key is to really work on […]
Mentor’s Must For Success!
When you look back on your history of success, a pivotal moment, can you tell where it started? Yes, I can as-well. I had an Accountability Partner, Bill Baker, who was working to build his Network Marketing Business too. What I discovered working with him was Jim Rohn. Jim Rohn taught him that if you […]
Perform at your BEST in your business!
Perform at your BEST in your business! This will get you excellent results. The more you “perform”, the better your performance will be. Practice, practice, practice. Hesitant to start conversations and talk to people about your business? Begin by just TALKING to people first about general things – the weather, what’s for dinner, where they […]
Ask Powerful Questions and LISTEN to the answers
Whether you are working with a potential customer for your products; an accountability partner, speaking with a prospect about the business potential; or working with a team member, asking POWERFUL questions is a habit you’ll want to engage in regularly. The more you know about people, the more effective you will be in finding a […]