Growing or Dying?

You are either growing or dying. Often when people create their plan for success they focus on business results, physical results and/or personal results. Do you have a plan for GROWTH right now in your life? We have all heard the saying, “you are either growing or you are dying,” and yet are you purposeful […]

“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” – Maya Angelou According to Charity Navigator, Americans annually donate approximately 8.1 billion volunteer hours and give about 3% of their income to charities. Giving also includes helping your neighbor, leading a hand to a stranger or offering a smile […]
The Key to Permanent Change

Getting It Off, Once and For All… Americans are spending over $60 billion a year in an effort to lose weight. And most of the investment goes down the drain because two-thirds regain the weight within a year and 97% gain all the weight back within five years (Marketdata Enterprises). The secret to making lasting […]
Fixed or Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck is a pioneering researcher in the field of motivation. She has studied our brain’s capacity to learn and solve problems. When presented with a problem that is too hard to solve, she noticed that people react with a “fixed mindset” by thinking they are not smart enough to solve it or with a […]
Everybody Hates Me

Everybody is a little extreme. Who is everybody? Can I be 100% confident EVERYBODY hates me? I think my Mom likes me…at least a little bit. In all seriousness, how often you use words like: all, nobody, everybody, always, and never? “Everyone is struggling.” “No one is doing well in this economy.” “I always get […]
Emotional Guidance Scale

Have you ever been told you were emotional? I think we all have. All of us can experience a range of emotions every day from joy and hope to frustration, overwhelm or fear. Negative emotions can be a call to action, telling us something needs to change. When you pay attention to these signals, you […]
Life is a Ride. Don’t Miss It!

Our present moment is a mystery that we are part of. Here and now is where all the wonder of life lies hidden. – Wayne Dyer There is a story of a young man who traveled across Europe on the Euro Rail, and while on the train he was busy looking at pictures of where […]
Creating a Powerful Culture with 3 Values

Value #1: Don’t let the fear of making a mistake prevent you from taking action. The May 25, 2014 New York Times profiled Brett Wilson, C.E.O. of TubeMogul, a video advertising software company. In the interview, Brett talks about three values he created in the company culture which have contributed to their success. What […]

Have you ever said you want a specific result but then didn’t take consistent daily action necessary to achieve it? Most people answer yes. What prevents a seemingly motivated person from making progress toward their goal? Most people are dabblers who pretend to be committed. Dabblers are in the game, but are not in the […]
Your Ideal Client
We have all experienced the “client from hell” but have you experienced your ideal client? The difficult client that is never satisfied regardless of how much extra you do for them; the one who complains incessantly and leaves you feeling inadequate, incompetent, and exhausted. It’s important to recognize you choose to work with clients from […]