Personality Characteristics of Effective Leaders

Whether you think that leaders are born or made – or a bit of both – there are still some characteristics that distinguish leaders from others. Have you wondered if you or someone you know is a natural leader? Are you interested in learning some characteristics of good leadership? Here are some personality characteristics that […]
Identifying Your Own Powerful Role Models
Having been in Network Marketing for 7 years, I have met some brilliant and inspiring business people who have become my role models. I have experienced exciting breakthroughs in my own business because of modeling the wisdom received from these people. The next 4 weeks will be about Role Models and their wisdom. Share with […]
3 Reasons for Being Accountable and Having an Accountability Partner
Success in your business depends on you taking some action. Some actions that are musts in Network Marketing and MLM, or really any business, are adding new contacts to your contact manager, following up with a “nice to meet you” card, then a phone call, sending out business information, and doing business presentations. Do you […]