What Is The Halo Effect?

What is the Halo Effect you ask? General Norman Schwarzkopf said the role of the leader is to tell the truth – don’t make the situation better or worse than it is. His advice refers to a cognitive bias that many of us will experience called the “halo effect.” Our overall impression of a […]
Growing or Dying?

You are either growing or dying. Often when people create their plan for success they focus on business results, physical results and/or personal results. Do you have a plan for GROWTH right now in your life? We have all heard the saying, “you are either growing or you are dying,” and yet are you purposeful […]

“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” – Maya Angelou According to Charity Navigator, Americans annually donate approximately 8.1 billion volunteer hours and give about 3% of their income to charities. Giving also includes helping your neighbor, leading a hand to a stranger or offering a smile […]
The Key to Permanent Change

Getting It Off, Once and For All… Americans are spending over $60 billion a year in an effort to lose weight. And most of the investment goes down the drain because two-thirds regain the weight within a year and 97% gain all the weight back within five years (Marketdata Enterprises). The secret to making lasting […]
Fixed or Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck is a pioneering researcher in the field of motivation. She has studied our brain’s capacity to learn and solve problems. When presented with a problem that is too hard to solve, she noticed that people react with a “fixed mindset” by thinking they are not smart enough to solve it or with a […]
Everybody Hates Me

Everybody is a little extreme. Who is everybody? Can I be 100% confident EVERYBODY hates me? I think my Mom likes me…at least a little bit. In all seriousness, how often you use words like: all, nobody, everybody, always, and never? “Everyone is struggling.” “No one is doing well in this economy.” “I always get […]
Emotional Guidance Scale

Have you ever been told you were emotional? I think we all have. All of us can experience a range of emotions every day from joy and hope to frustration, overwhelm or fear. Negative emotions can be a call to action, telling us something needs to change. When you pay attention to these signals, you […]
Life is a Ride. Don’t Miss It!

Our present moment is a mystery that we are part of. Here and now is where all the wonder of life lies hidden. – Wayne Dyer There is a story of a young man who traveled across Europe on the Euro Rail, and while on the train he was busy looking at pictures of where […]
Creating a Powerful Culture with 3 Values

Value #1: Don’t let the fear of making a mistake prevent you from taking action. The May 25, 2014 New York Times profiled Brett Wilson, C.E.O. of TubeMogul, a video advertising software company. In the interview, Brett talks about three values he created in the company culture which have contributed to their success. What […]

Have you ever said you want a specific result but then didn’t take consistent daily action necessary to achieve it? Most people answer yes. What prevents a seemingly motivated person from making progress toward their goal? Most people are dabblers who pretend to be committed. Dabblers are in the game, but are not in the […]