Basloe Group


I was impressed and surprised as I heard a presentation on objections in selling. I thought about objections and how I see them as brick walls that suddenly rise up in front of me when I am sharing something I am passionate about. I see it as major resistance, almost a staging area for a […]

Simple Scripts You Will Love To Introduce Your Business

One of the things that stops people from making that list and then actually contacting people about the business is fear of what to say; and how to answer questions and deal with objections. Here are some simple ideas to break the ice. Remember, you aren’t a professional sales person; you are simply sharing information. “Hey […]

Questions for an Effective Sponsoring Interview

Success in sponsoring others comes as a result of – Finding the need – filling the need. Asking good questions so that you obtain the information you need, as well as guide your prospect to the answers he/she needs to make a good decision puts you on the road to success. What motivated you to meet with me […]

3 Reasons for Being Accountable and Having an Accountability Partner

Success in your business depends on you taking some action. Some actions that are musts in Network Marketing and MLM, or really any business, are adding new contacts to your contact manager, following up with a “nice to meet you” card, then a phone call, sending out business information, and doing business presentations. Do you […]