Basloe Group

How Statements Lead to Beliefs and Beliefs Lead to Certainty

Have you found that there is something in life that you want very much to change? Leaving your corporate 9 to 5 (or more) job? Yes most of us go through this time of desire or transition. It can be as big as running a marathon to having your own business. Both, I would say […]

Self Talk

I love this quote by Shad Helmstetter, author of the amazing book – What to Say When You Talk to Yourself; “The most powerful tool we have for creating our success is our own Self-Talk. The right Self-Talk literally changes your thoughts, your attitude, your actions, and your day.” Do you pay attention to the […]

Change Starts With You

If you want to get from where you are to where you want to be, it’s going to involve change. You must be the one to make changes. The world will appear to change around you, but really, it’s about the changes you are willing to make. Most of the time, these are some of […]