Basloe Group

Phone Skills and Etiquette

Do you ever worry that you are stumbling over your words when you talk to someone on the phone about your business? Do you ever listen to leaders on the business calls or the training calls and wonder how they are so smooth, polished and always seem to know exactly what to say? This is […]

Do You Know Who Your Target Market Is?

Have you taken the time to identify just who your target market really is for your business? Most people fail to do this and they operate under the misguided notion that everyone could be right for their business. To really attract the right people to your business, you want to give them something that is […]

Ask Powerful Questions and LISTEN to the answers

Whether you are working with a potential customer for your products; an accountability partner, speaking with a prospect about the business potential; or working with a team member, asking POWERFUL questions is a habit you’ll want to engage in regularly. The more you know about people, the more effective you will be in finding a […]