Basloe Group

From a young age you are taught it’s important to be staying comfortable. 

As babies someone is there to make you comfortable by providing the necessities of food, shelter, and warmth.  It makes sense as you grew you associated comfort with these necessities. You say you want more and yet when you have to make a decision between taking bold action toward your goals and staying comfortable, it’s easier to choose to stay comfortable.

Then as an adult, we are told, it is “good” to be uncomfortable. Maybe it goes against but what we were taught but there is a cost to being too comfortable.

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On a scale of 0 – 10 where would you rate your life in this moment?  (0 – completely unsatisfying, and 10 – you are living the life of your dreams.) 

People who score between 0-3 tend to be dissatisfied at a high level and as a result are willing to take massive action. 

People who score their life between 8-10 are creating such momentum they continue to take action.

Most people, however, score their lives between 4-7, which is comfortable. 

The people in this area dabble. They take small actions so they can claim, “I tried everything but nothing works.”

This group will also blame people and circumstances for their lack of action and yet the truth is they are comfortable. 

Because of your experience as a baby you don’t associate comfort with a negative impact; however, the reality is you sacrifice your future every moment you choose comfort over purposeful action toward your goals. 

 What are the costs of staying comfortable?

 Until you consider the costs you won’t change. 

Pick an area of your life where you know you need to change but don’t. 

Close your eyes and imagine your life next year if you stay on your current path:

Optimists tend to soften the consequences of staying comfortable. 

As you answer these questions go to the worst-case scenario because you think it can’t happen until it does and then it’s too late.  Decide that you are no longer willing to accept comfortable over action. Start with small measurable consistent actions and you will discover taking action is a lot more comfortable than the consequences of inaction.

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Much Success!

Have an outstanding day!!



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