Momentum is something we all want. Have you noticed that the more you succeed, the more you want to succeed? And if you think about failing, it often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy? That is because you either are growing or dying, there is no neutral in life.
Everyone is on the success cycle of momentum spiraling upward toward their dreams or spiraling downward toward their fears. Here is how it works:
Beliefs determine your potential.
Potential determines your actions.
Actions determine your results.
Results reinforce your beliefs.
On a downward spiral, you see only limited potential, so you take minimal action, which produces meager results, reinforcing your belief – “I know I couldn’t do it.”
On an upward spiral, you believe you can achieve your result, which opens your eyes to potential, which motivates you to take more action, producing greater results, reinforcing your belief – “I knew it was possible.”
Here are two quotes to ponder:
“In this world you’re either growing or you’re dying so get in motion and grow.” – Lou Holtz
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” – Henry Ford
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Much Success!
Have an outstanding day!!
This is a great blog. I love the cycle…Beliefs determine your potential. Potential determines your actions. Actions determine your results. Results reinforce your beliefs. Guess it is important to go back to beliefs when the actions and results aren’t what you want.
Thank you Michele. Great takeaway! Yes, it all starts with beliefs!
What beliefs do you have supporting you to grow? What beliefs
are preventing you? Have an outstanding day!!!