Basloe Group

integrity, congruence

How many things are there in your life that you think you must do but are not doing? And why is it really that you are not doing them? Are you too busy, not focused enough, too tired, or never have enough time?

Why or why not is irrelevant.

What if I told you that not doing what you think you should (or must) be doing can be one of the most detrimental things you can do to your happiness and success. It creates a negative impact on those around you and yourself.

What I’m really talking about is living with Integrity and Congruence. Internal (what you think) & external (what you do) is very very important and overlooked by most people.  Congruence is power. It is unspoken and felt by everyone conscious or not.

You’ve probably met someone who has congruence. And even though they may have a reason for it, it doesn’t matter. They can appear shifty, wishy-washy – even weak willed. And it’s quite unattractive. Now let me ask you this, does this person appear happy & successful? Or are they trapped in a never ending cycle of self-abuse and self-punishment for not living aligned with their beliefs?

Now think of someone who is the opposite of that. They do what they say. 100% of the time (or they die trying). They don’t make excuses, they take action. Is this person happy? Successful? A good role model? Yes, they are.

Not doing what you know you must be doing is a guaranteed recipe for stress.

Doing what you know you must be doing is a recipe for greatness. A recipe for integrity. A recipe for power and influence. What we think DOES shine thru our actions, our presence & our interactions with other people. It is very very important. And might just be the root of all your happiness & success.

What should you do next to increase your congruence?

It is a lot easier than you think. How you do the small stuff is how you do everything. Do it the way your inner superhero would do it.

Did this blog help you? If so, it would mean a lot to me if you would share it with others! And, share your comments below!

Much Success!

Have an outstanding day!! 


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