Basloe Group

Have you ever set out to make a cat, a toddler or a drunk person do what you want them to do?

This is the picture that comes to my head when someone in network marketing goes out to “recruit” people into their business. Ummmm, is recruiting the best word and job for this task… yuck. You may very well be able to recruit a new team mate, but the likelihood of them jumping on board and staying afloat the way you have planned is so very, very unlikely.


You see when we go out into the world, with our network marketing recruitment backpack on our backs, a few things are likely going to happen….

Why? because people often don’t like being recruited, unless by a headhunter for a highly exposed company giving them a high level management job… and I’m sorry, recruiting for networking marketing is not that. It might feel that way to us, but to them you are giving them a unknown box that they are afraid to open for fear it might trigger an exploding glitter bomb…. (psssst, not everyone loves glitter! I know right! Wow!).

So, IS there a solution!? Yes there is. But it might be bigger than you realize…
Don’t recruit. I’m so going against so many top leaders right now, but don’t leave the house only set out to build your team… INSTEAD set out to do the work, whatever your business is, so that others can see your work and your business is a success.

  1. SHARE what you do with everyone who is interested in your product/service. Don’t make decisions for them, because you might judge them, their situation or their interest level wrong.
  2. LISTEN to objections, and Listen to their needs over your own. Sometimes there is a yes, hiding in a few objections – sometimes there is also a punch in the face if you keep pushing and pushing. So listen to them fully, not just getting ready to start into your next scripted speech to them.
  3. OFFER future meetings. Say thank you for listening to what I/this company has to offer, I understand you aren’t interested right now. Would it be OK if I follow up and touch base again in (selected time frame) and just keep you on my might be ready in the future list? and that way if your situation changes and you are interested, you can call me too?
  4. DON’T say anything that you wouldn’t believe or be interested in listening to. People are just that, people, not recruits for your growing networking marketing army…. don’t treat them in any way that you would not want to be treated. Be Respectful and Real.

Would love to hear your thoughts!!! What is the most important thing you focus on when you put your recruiting backpack on for the day?

Much success!!!

Have an outstanding day!!
