Basloe Group

Networking in BNI has taught me that desperation is not referable. 

This is so spot on. 

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We discussed being the Card Dealer and the Space Violator in last week’s blog. I know you have met both of these people out and about in your networking groups. 

There are a few more types of networking you do not want to do. 

Don’t be the premature solicitor. 

The person guilty of Premature Solicitation is the person who confuses networking with direct selling. They meet you and immediately go into sales mode. They want you to do business with them without asking questions about you, your business, your interests, or your needs first. To this person, everyone is a target and every target is a dollar sign. These people are the reason why many individuals don’t like to go to networking events. They go to meetings and feel slimmed by people soliciting them for business. 

Don’t be the new best friend.

Follow-up with the people you meet at a networking event is important. But be a professional, not a stalker. The New Best Friend is the over-eager seller who after you meet at a networking event calls you, emails you, social media messages you, and tries to become your New Best Friend in the space of just a few days. Generally, they’re not actually trying to help you – they simply want to sell something to you. Granted, they may want to sell something to you because in their mind, it’s only to “help you,” but it’s never really about you. It’s about what they want from you.

Desperation is not referable. Remember these behaviors when you go to networking events and whatever you do, don’t demonstrate these behaviors yourself. Remember that networking is more about farming than it is about hunting.

Did this blog help you? If so, it would mean a lot to me if you would share it with others!!! And, share your comments below!

Much Success!

Have an outstanding day!! 


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