Basloe Group


After you read the title are you saying, Oh My Goodness, is it that time already?  I have so much to do to finish up 2013!!!  This is the BEST TIME.

It is time because this gives you breathing room to do your goal setting, brainstorming strategizing, and identifying actions you will take to achieve the success you want and reach the goals you set.  Just think, you will have a plan to start off January 1st 2014. You will have a full 12 months to execute your plan.   Many business people start thinking about the next year when they finish the last. Sounds reasonable. The drawback is then goals are not established till you finish the first month of the year leaving you 11 months to accomplish a 12 month plan.  So, now is the time.  Chunk it down into bite sized pieces.

Setting Goals is a process.  A chance to expand what you see in front of you. Goal setting is not just checking out what has been in your head and thinking, hmmm I want that.

It is a deeper experience, touching the core of your being including your values and fulfilling your needs.  The goals you set will determine the quality of your life and the fulfillment you experience. Goal setting is also an on- going project. It moves with you as time goes by. When you set a 5 year goal, and you complete the first year, then it is to extend a year to your next 5th year goal based on your success in your first year.

I have seen clients and Network Marketing colleagues set 5 year goals. Do a great job with each year achieving goals and celebrating your success. To arrive at year 5 and realize they don’t have a vision of their future. It was so clear before and now they are floundering.  It now means re-creating the exercise of developing their next vision and goals to head towards.  Setting goals every year and extending out to that next 5th year you have a greater chance of continuity, momentum and even more joy and fulfillment.

Goals, are very important. They give you a measurement by which you can calibrate your progress.

Jim Rohn has counseled for years  “to measure your success, you need to establish timelines, dates, dollar amounts, number of credits, etc. Measuring your progress enables you to stay on track and reach your target dates; as a result, you will experience the feeling of success that will drive you on to achieve your goal.

Without goals there is a tendency to just float through life like a bouncing ball. Goals provide a path to follow. There will always be course corrections. As you make progress you learn. You learn about what is important to you and possibly what is no longer important based on your learning from the actions you have taken in moving forward in your business and life.

Yes, now is the time to reflect on 2013. I have a form that helps review and identify your goals.  If you would like to receive this form please enter your email in the box on the right.

You are growing towards all you can be. Use this exercise as a tool to help you be the person you want to be.

Much success!!!


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