Basloe Group

This is it! The time where you are truly going to step into your greatness, be accountable and build your network marketing business.

Then the week happens and you find yourself discouraged because you did nothing.

What was missing? Accountability.

Being accountable to someone else means you must be vulnerable, honest, integrity-filled and open to improving. The fact is, all of us know how to build the business we are in. Share with others and ask them to join. However, most of us let other priorities get in the way.

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There are a few ways to be accountable.

Have an accountability partner (one other person) or join an accountability group (more than one person). You need to have a timeline of how often you talk – hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. I think daily and weekly work the best for most people.

Hourly puts too much pressure on everyone involved. Monthly is too long as there are only 12 chances and much can happen (or nothing in most cases) in a 30-day derailed timeframe. Quarterly is way too long in my opinion as you only have 4 quarters in a year. How can you redirect, tailor your daily mode of operation if you are no checking in consistently enough.

In my years of network marketing, I have found that not all accountability partners are created equal. You must find someone with similar goals and dreams to drive you to your accomplishment of what you set out.

Your plan of action should also pre-decide what happens when you 1)don’t check in 2)don’t do what you say you are going to do 3)don’t accomplish near enough. Most accountability partners are too soft on the other person or they are like a drill sergeant. I always tell people to be accountable to themselves first and report in to the other person. The other person can not and should not make you do anything.

You must be driven to hit your own goals. You are only responsible for you.

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Much Success!


Have an outstanding day!!




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