Basloe Group

Picture1    Congratulations!

You are a business owner and the owner of a business that
can create more income in a month for you than most people
earn in a year. Sounds exciting, right?

This is very exciting and in order to accomplish this, it’s going
to require a serious commitment and action steps from you!

The first step you want to take is to get out your calendar and
block off those times that are devoted to your business. That may
mean you need to block off every other time commitment first and
then find time for your business with what is remaining.

Decide how many hours per week you are going to put into your
business. Please know that it really does require a minimum of ten
hours to really create growth and momentum. Here’s the good news.
That time does not have to be in big chunks. Thirty minutes here,
one hour there, spread out over seven days will make a huge
difference in your business.

Now, what are you going to do with that time?

Here is where it is very important to note and track the difference
between Preparation and Productivity.

Obviously, you must be prepared for your business to take you in
many different directions. And, you must also spend productive
hours to get those results you want.

Here are some activities that can be defined as Preparation
Activities –

  1. Going through your company website and studying the back office.
  2. Getting on Conference Calls.
  3. Going through Training Materials such as the Roadmap to Success and
  4. completing the Partnership Agreement.
  5. Creating hand out packets, if applicable.
  6. Emails pertaining to ANYTHING other than customer or business
  7. prospects.
  8. Working on your personal website.

These are all very important activities, and sometimes, it is easy
to get so caught up in doing these things that all of one’s time is
spent in the preparation mode. But, this will not put cash in your
pocket and grow your business. Set aside a block of time right up
front to complete what needs to be done and then schedule no more
than one to two hours a week after that.

Avoid multi-tasking. It’s a myth to think this is productive.
Let me ask you, how well can you listen and actually digest
what is being said while you also read something of a totally
different topic?

Do yourself a favor and unless it is something that doesn’t require
a lot of brain power, give your full attention to conference calls.

Moving on to Productivity, this is where you will want to spend the
bulk of your daily and weekly business hours.

Activities that fall under the Productivity category include –

  1. Making your list of at least 100 names and contacting them,
  2. asking for referrals when appropriate.
  3. Attending local networking events/meetups and sharing your products and
  4. business.
  5. Calling potential Home Party Prospects, if applicable.
  6. Calling leads from an ad coop or other source.
  7. Follow up phone calls to prospects and customers.
  8. Networking out online and building relationships.

Decide today if your business is a hobby or if you intend to create
a major income producing business venture. There is not a right or
wrong answer to this. Only what you truly desire.



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