Basloe Group

It sounds great right? Start a business from home, and retire in 2-5 years living the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Is it possible? Can you do it? Are you interested? Did you know it is possible? Let’s explore how…

It takes a serious business plan; a serious commitment and a serious course of action, but then what “retirement plan” doesn’t?

Here are the key steps to focus on in order to accomplish this – First, start your business. Many people begin with Network Marketing because it has great systems and solid training to achieve success if one is willing to follow the roadmap; training and plan that has already been put into place.

Second, talk to a minimum of 100 people a month about your business. If you have any questions about how to do this or how to find these people, contact your upline, as that is your best resource.

Third, present your business a minimum of 20 times a month. This can be done over the phone; online or in person. This simply involves walking them through the basics of the business – how it works; what we do and how we get paid; and then asking for a decision.

Fourth, set a goal to sponsor between 8 and 12 new people each month. If you are talking to 100 people or more, this will happen for you. Disclaimer – it may take one month, six months or a year for you to get in the groove and begin to hit this goal, but that is no reason not to keep going.

Fifth, each month, find the top 3 who are ready to take action and spend some time with each one. Stick like glue and make sure each one knows you are committed. What are their goals; hopes; dreams and how will they each work their business? Take them by the hand and show them what to do.

Sixth, as your leaders grow, teach them each the principles above and watch your business duplicate.

Seventh, this should probably be at the beginning, but write down your reason for doing this business and read it every day! This should be a reason strong enough that if the first 25 people you talk to in the month say “no”, it simply doesn’t matter. You know your goals and you know that each “no” is a step closer to a yes!

What’s your business plan look like this week? Write down those intentions and track them!


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