Basloe Group

Cat Lion Mirror

Continuing off last week … “Courage Takes Fear”. I ended by asking you to think of something that you are currently fearing. I’m curious how that has still affected you – has it changed? got worse? got better? Were you allowing yourself to be courageous while feeling the fear?  Did you step out in courage and transform that fear into something great? I hope you did!

If not, that’s ok. You can practice again this week. 🙂 This week we are talking about the fear of being our awesome selves. Do you ever have that fear of being awesome? Maybe you are worried what others will think when you are being your true self. Maybe you have been criticized or cut down. Maybe you are still finding out who you are and what it means to “be yourself”- or maybe you knew once, and you’ve lost touch with that person over the years.

First off I want to tell you that YOU ARE AWESOME. You are! Don’t blow me off or push me aside when I say that. You are the only you that there ever can be! You are the only one with your set of unique talents and the only one who thinks the way you do. Let’s look at the facts! Out of over 100 million sperm and thousands of eggs, within a 12-24 hour fertilization window you were created. And then you began to grow and fight for your life. Good for you! No one is just like you (ok anyone who has a twin, even you aren’t the exact same- only sharing 8-90% of the same DNA as your twin.) 🙂

The world needs you! And if you aren’t being true to yourself, you are short changing the world. Don’t short change us, that’s not nice. 🙂 However, I’m not talking about being a big selfish mess because you think I just told you to DO exactly what you want – NO! that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying the deep true self needs to be revealed. I’m not saying DO anything that makes you happy – life will have sacrifices that are appropriate, but I am saying that you can BE anything you want to be. And I’m also not asking, if you want to be a fireman or a doctor… I’m thinking on a deeper level.

Let me show you…

Sometimes it can take a while to think about WHO you want to be, it is ok, be willing to take the time. It will be worth it. And then be COURAGEOUS in life and be all that you can be. Live life as the best version of you as you can, perfect it over time, don’t be afraid to love stronger and be nicer. Stand out! Be you.

What do you want?

Have an outstanding day!!! Being….

Much success,



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