Basloe Group


This is a volunteer business and you want to always remain in action. To be effective, you must work in an organized fashion for maximum productivity.

Below you will find some ideas for getting your business organized. My suggestion is to print it out and read through it every day for a month, so you capture new ideas and put those into action when the time is right for you.

Bottom line is – don’t let any of it overwhelm you.

Take it one step and action at a time and you’ll feel GREAT and be successful.
Lack of Organization can slow you down and even thwart your efforts in your wonderful, multi-million dollar business enterprise. That’s right, it IS a multi-million dollar enterprise and so you must treat it as such!

The first place you’ll want to get organized is in your mind. When your mind is organized and clear on what is happening, everything else will fall into place.  Get clear on your why, and get focused on knowing what your daily method of operation will be.

Spend some time writing out everything you WANT from your business. EVERYTHING, no matter how small or seemingly large. Write it ALL down.

This will assist you as you go through your life and get rid of clutter and things/activities that do not move you closer to your goal.

Organize your mind for business, for success, for adversity, for celebrations, for changes, for growth, etc.

Now, let’s get your calendar organized. Clutter comes in many forms, including doing things that eat up time but don’t add anything.

Go through your calendar and block out all times that are non negotiable and unavailable for business time. This would be family time, church, a job, etc. Now, fill in other times that are taken, but possibly negotiable.

Next, fill in those times that you commit to working your business. Take a careful look at this calendar and the time you’ve slated for your business. Is there enough time there to take you to the level you want in your business? Eliminate anything you can for now so that you can be focused.

Next, get prepared and get organized in your workspace. Set aside 2 – 4 hours to clean up, clean out and get ready. Get rid of the clutter and junk that is slowing you down. Did you know that having clutter around slows you down, even if you don’t think so, because you are psychologically aware of it and it is eating into your productive time?

Clean out your desk drawers, files, cabinets, etc. Make space for your business.
Now, decide the top 3 methods you are going to use for building your business and then determine what tools you’ll need to be effective. Get those tools TODAY! Yes, TODAY, don’t wait!

Spend a day getting everything ready for your business building. These will vary depending on how you plan to build your business.

Once you have an idea of what your methods are going to be and you have your tools ready, it is time to set your weekly action plan.

In the beginning, the toughest thing about your business is knowing what to do, and who to do it to!!!

Here are those things you’ll want to be doing on a weekly basis if you are serious and this is more than a hobby –

At least 2 contacts a day.
Weekly follow up.
Team Building
Find other networking groups and attend weekly or monthly.

Get on all conference calls and learn the story, educate yourself and feed your mind.

Develop your weekly game plan based on available times and chosen methods. Take that calendar back out and decide what you will do, when.

Be time wise. Don’t answer emails when you can be calling leads, businesses, etc. Work email after hours. Close your email program while working online to avoid distractions. Invoke the 24-48 hour rule on returning calls and emails.

Third, put your blinders on and begin to take action right now, and continue this every day for the next 90 days. Don’t look up, don’t look sideways and don’t look back! You are forward focused and looking straight ahead.

Set a course and follow it religiously for 90 days. At the end of that time, you can evaluate and make changes if necessary. Evaluating too soon will not give you accurate results.

Finally, know what you are going after and expect it to show up. Belief and enthusiasm toward your goal is what inspires you to action. And, inspired action is the most effective kind. Why? Because it comes from your true, inner drive and when we are inspired to take action, we are not taking action because we feel we have to. We are taking action because we WANT to.

Get rid of the clutter, get the tools you need, and get your mindset in place. With these few components, there ain’t no stopping you! I’ll be reading your story everywhere!
Get a clear weekly plan and ask your sponsor to help with accountability if needed.

Just do it and make it happen!


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