Basloe Group

We have just completed the 1st Quarter of 2016!!!  Have you achieved 1/4 of your actions towards your bigger goal?

It’s a must to set goalsSetting attainable goals and following through step-by-step to achieve those goals leads to big success. When starting in a new venture, your goals are a guesstimate. You do not have a track record on which to base your success, though this can be identified based on your past experience in another position or business. However you start out setting your goals make it as realistic a goal as you can. You can always add a stretch goal to push yourself even further. As you know, if you have read my Blooming Fortune previous blogs, It is important to celebrate every success along your journey.

Sara goal-setting-

Back to goal setting – setting a realistic goal doesn’t mean forgetting about big dreams and big goals. On the contrary.

Create goals you can say out loud every morning – knowing that with hard work – you can reach those goals every single day.

Set yourself up for success. When we set goals too high and don’t achieve them, we can be overtaken with self doubt, discouragement and rejection. Those feelings often make us unmotivated and question our original goals, and worst of all STOP US IN OUR TRACKS!! (“Never quite on a bad day!!!” Jordan Adler).

Instead, focus on persistence and time. Setting smaller goals that you consistently reach and celebrate will compound over time and lead to your ultimate goal.

But you have to be present. You must step and do the work. Be committed. To yourself and to your goals. 🙂

Much Success!

Have an outstanding day!!
