Basloe Group

Celebrate and Be Grateful!

Tis the season to celebrate all we have, all we are and all those who are in our lives. There is so much to be grateful for! One of the things I always encourage people in my life to do is to take a time to “celebrate”. We recently took inventory of all we did […]

2016 Progress and 2017 Plan

Take a moment today to chart out what your progress has been thus far in 2016. Please keep going if you are striving for or working on a goal. However, charting out your wins or successes allows you to hit the ground running to create a plan for 2017 that will continue your journey of […]

No Excuses November

It is November. You may think, yes that is true but this is no November like ever before – it is no excuses November! Let’s look at your personal development profile. You may be wondering what profile I am talking about. A personal development profile is the accumulation of all of the things you to […]

Make a Personal Development Plan

Do you have a personal development plan? Most people do not. Most people just wing this process. I want to encourage you to make a plan. Let’s carefully consider: What books are you reading? For how long each day? What audio programs are you listening to? How many live seminars are you doing annually? How […]

Personal Development Is A Must!

I was just listening to a mentor of mine run a webinar and he said, “It is all about personal development!” I agree completely. Whether you are trying to be a better person, a better parent, a better worker, a better boss or a better business owner – you have to utilize resources outside of […]

Here’s Some Viral Inspiration

The latest viral video can be more than just a good laugh or share. It can be the inspiration you need to keep pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams. Here are a few that may inspire you. The American Ninja T-Rex. American Ninja is a popular reality television obstacle course for the insanely fit. One contestant did […]

How Is Your Timing For Outstanding Follow Up?

As I coach clients, one of the most common things I find is that people would like a cookie cutter recipe for following up but the fact is follow up needs to be much more flexible than this. I could easily outline a plan for you that would say, after you talk to your potential […]

5 Tips for Better Follow Up

So what is the true cost of forgetting follow up?   The cost of this is vital. As you think of yourself as a consumer, imagine calling your doctor because you are really ill and asking for an appointment and they never call you back. Perhaps you have a family event you are planning and […]

Would you like to Master Relationship Marketing?

Would you like to make ridiculous amounts of money? In Master Relationship Marketing Seminars, Kody Bateman addresses the importance of relationships to grow your business and explains why it should be your goal. What is Relationship Marketing? Relationship Marketing is a strategy that works to create customer and consumer loyalty, engagement and, most importantly, a […]

Time To Problem Solve!

As an entrepreneur it’s up to you to deal with each problem that arises. Problem solving then is a must-have skill. But sometimes we all just get stuck and can’t seem to find the solution. When you are the one in charge, you have to keep all the details in your head – and that […]