Basloe Group

celebrateCelebration is often a state of mind.  A perspective. It is definitely a skill you learn and teach others. 

In your Network Marketing / MLM home based business how often do you find yourself congratulating yourself for the progress and successes you have made? Every day? If it is not every day then it is not enough.


So how can you make Celebration a Daily Ritual?  Please read on.

How you feel is everything and it can be described as an emotional vibration. An emotional vibration can be measured from most positive to most negative and will mold your life.  When you are aware of your emotions you can adjust them through what you focus on. When you are aware of your emotions you can change what you are attracting to you.

So how do you know what your emotional vibration is right now?   Below is a scale from personal development teacher Ester Hicks as a guide.  The value where you have the highest emotional vibration  Level #1 Joy / Appreciation /  Empowered /Freedom / Love .  Think or feel a time in your life when you were at Level #1. What do you remember happened in your life on that day or during that time?  Pick a level for a day and notice what happens in your life.  It has been found that the higher your emotions are on the emotional vibration scale you have more access to more intelligent thought, more of what you want happens, you are clearer in your life.

Now think or feel a time in your life when you were at Level #22. What do you remember happened in your life on that day or during that time? Reflect on what happens in your life when you are feeling at Level  #22 Fear / grief / depression / despair / powerlessness.  What is the difference you feel or see in your life when you are feeling or expressing these emotions?

Celebration most happens when your emotions are on a level 1 through 7 on the Emotional Vibration Scale.  You are open to acknowledging yourself and others for the progress and success that is taking place.  As a leader for your team, you set an example for how to be in your daily life and this included your emotional vibration.

Training yourself and others to celebrate every win small and large is a skill that will give you the results and success you are looking for in your Network Marketing / MLM home based business.

You will find more information from  Ester Hicks,   Kenneth James and Tony Robbins descriptions on the impact and study of emotional vibration.

Emotional Scale

1 Joy / Appreciation / Empowered /Freedom / Love

2 Passion

3 Enthusiasm / Eagerness / Happiness
4 Positive Expectation / Belief
5 Optimism
6 Hopefulness
7 Contentment
8 Boredom
9 Pessimism
10 Frustration / irritation / impatience
11 Overwhelm
12 Disappointment
13 Doubt
14 Worry
15 Blame
16 Discouragement
17 Anger
18 Revenge
19 Hatred / rage
20 Jealousy
21 Insecurity / Guilt / Unworthiness
22 Fear / grief / depression / despair / powerlessness

(from the book “Ask and it is Given” page 114 by Ester Hicks)

Right now, look at the scale and leave a comment as to what level you are feeling is your emotional vibration level.  Share with me your feelings now. If you want to change your level reflect on a specific situation where you were at the desired level. Take a few moments to feel that. Now, tell us how you feel if you made a change.

Much Success and More Celebration!!!

Have an outstanding day!


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