Basloe Group


Have you been asked this question, or have you asked it – how do I motivate my team in my network marketing business?

It’s an ongoing challenge, really and one that you don’t control totally, but you can make a difference in how you inspire a team by your actions.

Here is the danger a lot of people fall into –

We sponsor a few people, and we get heaped with some great praise and recognition by our upline, or even the company depending on our actions. And, we make a shift from doing the things that allowed us to sponsor those people and get that recognition. We stop making the new phone calls; the follow up calls; stop taking people on the company opportunity calls; stop with the actual activities of BUILDING a business.

Instead, we turn around and watch/wait for those we sponsored. We call them constantly, we ask if we can help; do they need a three way call, etc.

We go from “motivated” to “management.”

And, guess what? Our team sees this, even if not on the conscious level.

Know this – Network Marketing is a volunteer business and you are recruiting a volunteer army. There is no guarantee that they are going to be there, on the front lines in battle with you. Train them right, and give them the skills they need for success and you stand a better chance.

But, stand back and wait and watch, and you are in for sure defeat.

So, instead of focusing on motivation, let’s focus on inspiring.

Inspire your team by –

Lead by example and lead strong!

Have an outstanding day!


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