Basloe Group

Do you have a personal development plan? Most people do not. Most people just wing this process. I want to encourage you to make a plan.

Let’s carefully consider:image_flowchart_solution_380

  1. What books are you reading? For how long each day?
  2. What audio programs are you listening to?
  3. How many live seminars are you doing annually?
  4. How much money have you or are you spending on personal development?

So it is late October 2016, what if we dialed in over the next 7 days and made a actual plan.

Having a plan means you know WHEN you are doing what and you do not cancel it.

Making a personal development plan work must tie to a timeline and to a goal. You must also allow time to implement what you have learned. A personal development plan can’t just be learning, you must get into action in order for it to work.

Your schedule is already full? I know so is mine. There is a saying that says, “If you want to get different results, you must do different things than you have done.” So let’s analyze what is on your calendar that can go. Perhaps TV time or friend chat time online. You must assess what can go and what must stay in your days but the fact is you get no more time than what you already have. Decide what is most important and dive into the deep waters of a personal development plan. Commit to 30-minutes a day over the next 90 days.

By the end of January 2017, you should be noticing a shift or a new way of doing things if you stuck to your 90-day plan of action.What if you created a whole new way of being over a 90-day window that would positively change the trajectory of your life forever. I’d say that was worth it.

Share your plan, let’s watch your business grow together.

Much Success! Have an outstanding day!
