Basloe Group

I was just listening to a mentor of mine run a webinar and he said, “It is all about personal development!” I agree completely.

Whether you are trying to be a better person, a better parent, a better worker, a better boss or a better business owner – you have to utilize resources outside of yourself in order to grow you to a point you can not see from where you stand.

So let’s talk about personal development and how to fit that into the busy lives of a 21st century entrepreneur. What are some of the ways you can ingest personal development into your daily life?

  1. Reading bookspersonal-development-puzzle-pieces
  2. Reading electronically
  3. Listening to books (audible)
  4. Webinars
  5. Teleconferences
  6. Seminars
  7. Podcast
  8. Mastermind Groups
  9. Study Courses
  10. Audio CDs
  11. Local Classes
  12. Immersion Programs
  13. Volunteering
  14. Writing or Journaling
  15. Mediation

Now you might look at that list and say, “I don’t have time!” My guess is you do. When you are driving from here to there, do you have the radio playing, drive in silence or have you turned your vehicle to a school on wheels.

Who do you listen to? It is important that who you listen to resonates with your beliefs and will take you to where you want to go. Do a self assessment and determine where you need help the most. If you are looking to increase capital/money in your life, seek a money mentor that has what you want.

You can always ask your friends and family who they suggest you listen to. Especially if they know your goals. Now if they are not supportive of you or your goals, ask someone else. You could probably even put a post on social media asking who people recommend in “this” area of life and you’ll have more than enough suggestions. Start by doing something.

I find that when I jump into personal development daily, everything else works better. Try it out. Do a week with it and then do a week without it. Not all 15 things, do one or two and fit them into your everyday life and let me know how it goes.

Years of clients all tell me, doing something every day helps them reach their goals and dreams faster. So you must decide, how important is this? I think personal development is vital.

Much Success! Have an outstanding day!!
