Basloe Group

It is a new beginning.

Have you set your goals? You have a new year in front of you, ok, well most of it. As we are days into the year, I am wondering if you have thought about your 1st quarter goals yet?

When asked to goal set, most people can rattle off their someday goals – you know the ones, be their perfect weight, have no credit card debt, buy their next home, etc.

2018, goal setting, work I can be passionate about, make money for me, income system, make money right, multiple income, marketing compensation, income online, earning an income, network marketing, MLM, freedom of time and money, work at my own pace, downsized, income opportunities, work from home, self employment opportunities, be my own boss, economic freedom, make money from home, online, The Basloe Group, Sara Basloe

What I know about goal setting is that it must be chunked down into small pieces.

In Business Networking International (BNI), an international networking group, they provide their members with a training that is very helpful to all members. They teach the networker to break down all they do for business products and services, benefits, testimonials, etc. into the least common denominator.

Here is an example:

So let’s go with the first someday goal I mentioned above – being their perfect weight.

There have to be some things that go into that. They aren’t just going to wake up one day and have met their goal.

First, they must weight and measure themselves to know their starting point.

Next, they must analyze what vitamins or supplements they are taking and if, they are working.

They must put together a food plan, a hydration plan, a rest plan, get a scale if needed, take before pictures, go grocery shopping, move their body – yes, exercise.

Then and only when they are prepared and ready can they make a measurable plan. Sleep # hours, drink # ounces of water, eat # calories, exercise this many minutes. It is then and only then that they can measure progress or decline.

The same is true of your business. You must know where you are starting. You must know where you are going. You must know what you’ll need in the process. You need accountability to be set up. You should have a celebration plan and a way to brag about your wins in a gentle, humble way that keeps you attractive to others.

So if you haven’t created your 1st Quarter Goals, break out a piece of paper now and write down your Quarter 1 goals today. Goals don’t have to be perfect. You just have to do it in order to progress and get to the next step.

Did this blog help you? If so, it would mean a lot to me if you would share it with others!!! And, share your comments below!


Much Success!


Have an outstanding day!!




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