Are You Setting the Right Goal for Yourself? – Part III

Are you setting the right goals for yourself? There is a lot more to right goal setting than just picking a goal and moving forward. Are you learning from failure when it comes to meeting your goals? When writing a goal it’s important to write them in a positive way, or at least […]
Are You Setting the Right Goals for Yourself?

There is a lot more to right goal setting than just picking a goal and moving forward. While that is important to ensure that you are setting the right goals so that you can be truly successful, here are some questions to ask yourself. Are you setting the right, specific and realistic goals? Are your goals multifaceted? Is your […]
Goals! Are you like most people when it comes to goals?

Are You a “SMART” Network Marketing Goal Setter? If you are like most people, I am sure you set goals annually. In fact, you have most likely immersed yourself into hours of workshops, podcasts or other experiences around goal setting. You might have already made them “S.M.A.R.T” goals or have a strategic business plan in […]
What Did You Learn From Your 90 Day Plan?
Last week I asked you how your Quarter One for 2018 went and to review your results thus far. Review your 90 day plan. If you haven’t done this yet, please review this last blog HERE and do that now. The reason I wanted you to do this review is because in the next 12 weeks […]
Measuring Your Network Marketing Results: How was Q1 2018?
It is Q1 and time flies when you are having fun! So can productivity and results if you are not measuring them. What did you do in Q1 of 2018? In my experience as a network marketing leader, when you ask people what they did in their business last week or three weeks ago or […]
Annual Projections Lead the Pathway to Success in Direct Selling
Planning out your company’s annual financial projections could be one of the most important things you do for your success this year in your direct selling home based business. Normally business professionals are so busy running their company that they often forget to take notice of what path their company is on. Making annual projections […]
Accountable to Achieve Your Goals
This is it, the last blog of 2016 with only a few days left of the year. This is the week that everyone is throwing around the word – resolutions. I am going to encourage you to be resolved in your goals and dreams and to put an accountability plan in place starting on Monday, […]
Celebrate and Be Grateful!
Tis the season to celebrate all we have, all we are and all those who are in our lives. There is so much to be grateful for! One of the things I always encourage people in my life to do is to take a time to “celebrate”. We recently took inventory of all we did […]
2016 Progress and 2017 Plan
Take a moment today to chart out what your progress has been thus far in 2016. Please keep going if you are striving for or working on a goal. However, charting out your wins or successes allows you to hit the ground running to create a plan for 2017 that will continue your journey of […]
What Are Your Musts To Achieve and Why?
Let’s talk about your “must haves” and “your wants”. They are very different. As you look at your life and your goals, what are the things that are unquestionable? Meaning they HAVE TO be in your life, you HAVE TO get them done and they are NOT negotiable. On the other hand consider your wants. […]