Holiday Marketing In Advance of the Holidays

Smart business owners want to take advantage of the spending season and find ways to market to enthusiastic customers. October, November and December alone drive an astounding 30% more revenue for online businesses than the rest of the year. The key to a successful holiday marketing […]
Leave A Voicemail or Not Leave A Voicemail?
With technology changing, it is a good question to ask in today’s world. Do I leave a voicemail or not leave a voicemail? As I think of my phone, I’ll be honest, I prefer voicemail over any other form of being reached. Call me old school but I like to hear the inflection and tone […]
Surprise in Who You Just Might Meet
I have the opportunity to do some traveling again. Truth be known, traveling is a passionate hobby for me. I started gathering my things together that I want to take to make sure I have some of my company brochures, definitely more then enough business cards, and several magazines about the company. I will test […]