Basloe Group

Facts Just Tell, and Stories SELL

A goal you want to get accomplished as quickly as possible in your network marketing business is to develop some powerful stories of your own that you can share with others. At first, we get started by sharing the stories of others – our sponsor, our upline and others within the company. As you develop […]

How to Create Powerful Questions You Can Ask Yourself

The stories in your head are the stories of your life. The foundation of the stories are the questions you ask yourself. Most of us were taught the 5 best words to find out information in asking a question are: Who? What? When? Where? How? And, would you agree that these are excellent ways to […]

How to Play a Bigger Game In Network Marketing

As I look at all the professional network marketers I have met during my years in the industry, I see three very remarkable traits about those who play a big game and those who just make due making a little bit of extra money. Keep reading if you want to learn to play BIG. First, […]