Basloe Group


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A difficult part of business can be trying to stay organized. And knowing where(ish) something might be in this pile or that, is not necessarily the organized that I am referring. πŸ™‚ Although my desk can occasionally get out of hand, it has become a serious task that I take on each day to help stop the piles and the clutter. Doing business when you can’t find what you are looking for is well – hard. Keeping clients happy when you can’t remember where you put that thing that you wanted to show them can become a disappointing moment for you as well as them. So in hopes to help, while keeping life simple, here are a few tips to help keep your business or personal desk in tip top shape (or at the least begin to help get in under control).


1) Know your style.

For me something may work, for you it may not. You don’t have to try everything and completely replace your systems if they are currently working for you. But don’t be afraid to try new things if your current “organization style” is not working for you. And by working – I mean you shouldn’t be “working” to try to find a file or a common document. It should be a simple, oh yes that’s over here…

2) Clear the top.

Having a clear desk top can be very liberating. Clear your desk top when you a) finish a task or project and b) every night before closing shop. This allows you to help start fresh on the next day or new project. Β It has been shown to make you 3 times more productive.

3) Designate space.

If you have to share your business desk with a partner or a animal (insert picture here). Kind of like sharing beds at camp, draw the red line between you – (figuratively of course), try to suggest a my drawer and your drawer approach and see how it works for a while. Β It can be frustrating to keep things in order on your side if they don’t also do the same. But do your best and #4 will be even more important for you both…. Sharing close quarters, can be difficult sometimes, even if it is your pet that is getting in the way. Try and designate space for them too. πŸ™‚

If you have to share your business desk with your personal projects and personal files as well, try to designate business space and personal space. Separate file drawers, different file sorters on the counter or desk top. It will be easier when you are in the work mindset to know where to look if all work files are tucked away together and not mixed in with personal items as well.

4) Put things back.

This would naturally sound like a very simple idea for most people, but in reality very few of us follow through with it regularly. However, if your scissors have a home – that one space in that one drawer, it will be easier to find them any time you are looking for them if they are put back after every single use. Again, don’t roll your eyes it’s not always that simple – do you know where your scissors are, how about a stamp, or the stapler. If you have to go and look for something often you are wasting time – and we all know “time is money” πŸ™‚

5) Don’t give up.

Whether starting a new business or if you have been in business for years, getting AND staying organized is an on going task. If you fall behind or in what I would call an unorganized rut – don’t give up! Give yourself a restart and begin again. Don’t be too hard on yourself, and start with cleaning a space to clear the top…chunk down and focus on one task at at time and be diligent as you clean up. Sometimes slowly is better than rushing a project like this, you don’t want to lose things while you are still having to work in the mess, but try and remind yourself there is a why to cleaning and always start back at number one if needed.

Good luck on being organized, having solid systems and consistent follow up with clients is almost impossible if you don’t first have this step down (or at least in the works). πŸ™‚

Have an Outstanding day!




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