Basloe Group

Have A Look At Yourself

Have A Look At Yourself

Do you foster or embody these key leadership factors? Stay Positive. Be positive and generate positive energy in working with downlines. Downlines look up to you so you are important when it comes to motivating them. Do not carry personal stress and feelings to work. Nobody else knows why and what you are experiencing. Accomplish […]

Email Effectiveness Is Here

Email Effectiveness Is Here

Email can be out of control for most people.   In fact, nearly 200 billion emails are sent and received every day.  It is no wonder that even in the era of electronic communications; sometimes our message doesn’t have the intended impact. The consultants at Mandel Consulting came up with a six-step method for increasing […]

Rapport: I Really Like You?

Rapport: I Really Like You?

Have you ever had a time when you met someone and instantly knew you had instant feeling of “like” for him or her?  This feeling of connection with another person happens when there is rapport. Rapport is the harmonious association with a person or group of people where there is sharing of particular behaviors.  There […]

Everybody Hates Me

Everybody Hates Me

Everybody is a little extreme. Who is everybody?  Can I be 100% confident EVERYBODY hates me?  I think my Mom likes me…at least a little bit. In all seriousness, how often you use words like:  all, nobody, everybody, always, and never? “Everyone is struggling.” “No one is doing well in this economy.” “I always get […]

Stay Connected: How Do You Communicate?

Stay Connected: How Do You Communicate?

In a world where people are working full-time, part-time, raising their families, or running their businesses but building their residual income on the side, HOW and WHEN to communicate seems to come up for me a lot.                       Let’s face it, there is no perfect […]

Why You Should Speak For Free

Why You Should Speak For Free

There are different ways to you can profit apart from paid speaking gigs. I’d like to take a moment to share a few ideas with you that could prove to be very lucrative for you as a speaker.  Here are the 5 concepts: Sell From Stage Speak For Free and Sell Upsell Use Your Assets […]

Build Deep with Meaningful Connections

Build Deep with Meaningful Connections

You  might remember a time when you were sidetracked or stopped all together from speaking your truth to others. Perhaps it was by your parents, boss, clergy or someone in an authoritative role in your life. From what I have seen, most people have the best intentions when they respond to us negatively or contrary […]

How To Talk To the Four Personality Styles

How To Talk To the Four Personality Styles

There are a handful of really good personality style assessments out there and since I do not know which system you subscribe to or believe in, I will be talking about general personality types. We’ll call the four personality types:  Action Takers, Analyticals, People People and the Givers for conversational purposes. Action Takers These people […]

Team? Are Your Network Marketing Distributors MIA?

Team? Are Your Network Marketing Distributors MIA?

What do you do when one or more than one or a whole team of people in your network marketing downline fall off the face of the earth? Really they didn’t fall off the face of the earth, they just quit working.   Know this – this is part of the process. Building a networking […]

Set Your Goals for 1st Quarter 2018

Set Your Goals for 1st Quarter 2018

It is a new beginning. Have you set your goals? You have a new year in front of you, ok, well most of it. As we are days into the year, I am wondering if you have thought about your 1st quarter goals yet? When asked to goal set, most people can rattle off their […]