Create History With Cards
Personal documents like letters and journals have long been valued for the insights they provide. Personal letters include valuable information that might not be found in official historical documents. For instance, they can do a better job of showing the emotional impact of certain events. Many letters have been placed in museums and published in […]
There Is A Bug Going Around…The Kindness Bug
THERE IS A BUG GOING AROUND! You’ve probably heard the saying ‘kindness is contagious.’ But is it really? The word contagious often has a negative association because we use it when describing a virus or bacteria that is easily spread and makes us sick. If someone we know is contagious with something, we avoid close […]
Extending the life of a greeting card
Many people love greeting cards because they are physical reminders of thoughtfulness. A simple piece of card stock can tell someone you love them, you wish them well and that you are thinking of them. It’s really amazing what a card can do. But for most people, keeping cards may not always be practical, […]
Just Living Or Choosing Your Life
Just Living – a Poem by Jennifer Eberhard Just Living Just Living With no direction No priorities Unlikely growth of an unwanted Unwatered tree Unlikely success seeming always to Flee Wildflower blooms leave us so soon Unappreciated beauty in the full Moon Winter is coming with nothing in store Have you ever […]
Working With Our Differences Not Against Them
I hope you are sitting down, I have something big to hit you with… ready…? you sure?….. Men and Women are different! We are wired differently and we often think very differently from each other. What does this mean in business? It means…. ready? you sure?… Men and Women are different in business. We DO […]
Something BIG is coming to business…
If you haven’t heard there is a new ideal sweeping through businesses across the nation and spreading across the globe! It is called relationship marketing. And I just have to say, I am so excited about it! I can barely see straight 🙂 Now the “typical” plaid-suit wearing used car salesmen aren’t going to like […]