Basloe Group

CRM: Success and Follow Up

CRM, Basloe Group

You have heard it before, “Success is in the follow-up.” Does this include a CRM? When you think of your follow up and your customer relationship management system (CRM), how would you rate it on a scale of 1 – 10? 10 being awesome and you have a system dialed in and 1 being you […]

Help Your Team Discover Their Why

Help! The number one question I get… …when I help leaders build their direct sales and network marketing teams is “How can I help my team more?” Normally it is not a matter of technical skill that needs to be taught. That might surprise you, as the number one question your team is asking you is […]

What do cats, toddlers and drunk people have in common?

Have you ever set out to make a cat, a toddler or a drunk person do what you want them to do? This is the picture that comes to my head when someone in network marketing goes out to “recruit” people into their business. Ummmm, is recruiting the best word and job for this task… […]

The Power In Recognition

It’s a known fact that people are starved for recognition and in many cases will work harder for recognition than money. Most work at a job that is unfulfilling, for a boss that does not appreciate them; for pay that is far less than they believe they are worth. Ring any bells? So, knowing that, leader’s acknowledge […]

Motivation or Management in Your Network Marketing Business?

Have you been asked this question, or have you asked it – how do I motivate my team in my network marketing business? It’s an ongoing challenge, really and one that you don’t control totally, but you can make a difference in how you inspire a team by your actions. Here is the danger a […]