Do you have this ability?

There is an ability that top earners in Network Marketing share that propels them to the next level. Do you know what it is? Their ability to succeed comes down to this one thing: The ability to focus. This skill always differentiates you in business. No matter what you try to eliminate in your life, […]
Consistency Mattters

Rate Your Consistency We have all heard the statement that consistency is king. But yet why are only 20% of all people consistent? Well the Paredo principle states that 20% of all people net 80% of the results. As a society we have said, that number is okay. But is it? It affects everything in […]
Can Hypnosis Help Boost Confidence?

A lot of people are looking for that alternative approach to confidence and self-esteem. As an alternative approach, hypnosis is gaining credibility as an effective way to manage low self-esteem and low confidence. A Real Problem It’s tempting to disregard the whole subject and notion of self-esteem and confidence. Seeking treatment for something so “trivial” […]
How Diet, Exercise, and Confidence Are Connected

Do you struggle with your confidence? While therapy and coaching can help, it may also be of benefit to address your diet and exercise schedules. The Connection When you eat well and exercise, it may help boost your self-confidence. Why? Here are some thoughts. Body image can effect confidence While exercising won’t necessarily result in […]
Confidence for Teens

Tips on Boosting Self-Confidence for Teens (Our future adults!) Whether you’re a male or female teen, your self-confidence is important. While the emphasis is often on girls’ self-esteem, boys need to be confident, too, and often struggle just as much (although perhaps in different areas). Here are some tips to help teens build their self-confidence. […]
Building Confidence In Relationships

For some people, self-confidence with regard to personal relationships is challenging. You may find that you have confidence in many other areas of your life – your business, talents, and so forth – but lack the confidence to have successful personal relationships. For some, this is due to past experiences – once bitten, twice shy, […]
Holiday Marketing In Advance of the Holidays

Smart business owners want to take advantage of the spending season and find ways to market to enthusiastic customers. October, November and December alone drive an astounding 30% more revenue for online businesses than the rest of the year. The key to a successful holiday marketing […]
Personality Characteristics of Effective Leaders

Whether you think that leaders are born or made – or a bit of both – there are still some characteristics that distinguish leaders from others. Have you wondered if you or someone you know is a natural leader? Are you interested in learning some characteristics of good leadership? Here are some personality characteristics that […]
2 More Networking Don’ts!

Networking in BNI has taught me that desperation is not referable. This is so spot on. We discussed being the Card Dealer and the Space Violator in last week’s blog. I know you have met both of these people out and about in your networking groups. There are a few more types of networking you […]
3 Tips toCreating a Loyal Team

Teams are either successful—or they fail. Either way, the team members can’t give specific reasons for either outcome. Have you been part of a loyal, functional team? When teams fail, they often dissolve into cliques riddled with blame or confusion. In the world of business nearly all work is done in teams. Ask anyone and they’ll […]