Attraction and the Law of It- (part 3)
Yes, this is a part three… I don’t think we have ever worked on a part three of a topic- so I hope you like it and I am not just stuck rambling on. If I am, please let me know in the comments! In case you need a refresher on what we’ve been […]
Toxins: Not Just Chemicals Part 2
Last week we talked about the toxins in our lives, that often go without check. Negative Self talk was one of them. You can read that post here. Some people aren’t even aware of the negative talk that goes on all day in their own mind. Which isn’t good because it can be very influencing on […]
Toxins: Not Just Chemicals
Let’s face it, this world can be a toxic place!!! Daily we are becoming more aware of: the toxic pesticides and low nutrition in our produce, and we’ve been told to buy organic the toxins and preservatives in processed foods, so we buy fresher less processed foods the […]
Organizing Chaos: Emails
It is a simple fact that most of us work better in clean and organized situations. That doesn’t mean that you can’t work with a little clutter on your desk, but I bet you’d feel better and work better if it was cleaned up spik and span. BUT what about organizing technology? It […]
Celebration in 10
Do you know why celebrating your wins is important? Well I will give you ten reasons really quick… Celebrating is important because it reminds you of the goal and why you set it it fuels the energy for your next goal it reminds you that focused goal setting works it […]
Courage Takes Fear – Part 2
Continuing off last week … “Courage Takes Fear”. I ended by asking you to think of something that you are currently fearing. I’m curious how that has still affected you – has it changed? got worse? got better? Were you allowing yourself to be courageous while feeling the fear? Did you step out in courage […]
Courage to Fear
I was thinking recently in conjunction with one of the weekly calls that I participate with, what does it take to make a leap of faith? To step out? To jump in the cold icy waters of the unknown? Well of course it takes courage. It takes bravery to make action. And if you are […]
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
We GET READY! It is likely that you have heard it from the motivational speaker, you’ve read the book, and you’ve talked it over with a friend. The energies are HIGH! You are excited. Your brain is buzzing with this new information or refreshed when something makes so much sense all over again. You can’t […]
Celebrate the Competition
Now it’s possible that I’ve already lost some of you just by the title of today’s post. And others are thinking I was pushing normal logic with the last post on “Celebrating the Un-celebratable” – BUT if you are in network marketing or any kind of sales position it is likely that you have companies […]
Celebrating the un-celebratable
I recently saw a post in one of my favorite business Facebook groups that really got me thinking. The group is filled with business women of all kinds spread across the nation – the group is for encouraging, bouncing ideas off each other and sharing in excitement and scary goals. The post was about a […]