Basloe Group

How Do You Set Your MLM Priorities?

How Do You Set Your MLM Priorities?

There is so much to do when building a network marketing business. You must source your own leads to talk to, build relationships, present, answer questions, follow up with people, enroll people, train others, build your team, show up to training/conferences, professional development not to mention maintaining really good self-care so you don’t burn out. […]

Team? Are Your Network Marketing Distributors MIA?

Team? Are Your Network Marketing Distributors MIA?

What do you do when one or more than one or a whole team of people in your network marketing downline fall off the face of the earth? Really they didn’t fall off the face of the earth, they just quit working.   Know this – this is part of the process. Building a networking […]

Organizing Memorable Experiences For Your Network Marketing Team

So you have a business and you have started to build a team. How do you motivate your team members but not manage them? In my experience, having a motivated network marketing team is all about creating ongoing memorable experiences. As Maya Angelo said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you […]

Ways to Celebrate Your Success and Your Team’s Success

Let’s take a few minutes to celebrate some of the things you have done in your business. As  a general rule, I don’t believe we celebrate enough. Let’s celebrate together. Please take 2-3 minutes and jot down on a piece of paper the things you have done this week. It is Thursday, you have had […]

Have A System For Your Personal and Team’s Most Important Actions

Life is busy. I am sure no one will disagree with this. In this busy life you have to have system in place for identifying which actions to do first. Then once you have mastered the process, you should teach the teams you lead how to do these things as well.         […]

Success: 7 More Steps To Think and Grow Rich

So last week we talked about the first seven topics in the book, Think and Grow Rich.  This week, we’ll talk about the next seven. This book helps people get really clear on what they want and how to go get it.  (Success!) I am sure you want that too!  To read the first seven, […]

7 Steps to Take Massive Action In The Last 60 Days of 2012

We are about 60 days till the end of 2012, when we will be celebrating the New Year and your successes. What do you want to celebrate on December 31st? What do you want to accomplish from now until December 31st? Invest a few minutes in the next few days to evaluate your current goals, […]

Build Your Business With Urgency Now

NOW is the perfect time to build your business and to put yourself into massive, consistent, effective action. Not yesterday, it’s gone. Not tomorrow, it never comes. But right now, this moment in this day. Build your business with a sense of urgency to get things done for your future. And, building for the future […]

Breakthrough to Success with Powerful Mentors

During my Network Marketing business building journey, I was introduced to Michael Gerber’s thinking and philosophy.  I chose him as a mentor because of his concrete foundational business development ideas. As an MLM/Network Marketer, you are an entrepreneur.  Your business development is a reflection of who you are and your vision of what you want […]

Mentor’s Must For Success!

When you look back on your history of success, a pivotal moment, can you tell where it started? Yes, I can as-well. I had an Accountability Partner, Bill Baker, who was working to build his Network Marketing Business too. What I discovered working with him was Jim Rohn.  Jim Rohn taught him that if you […]