Mastering Fear

Is mastering fear possible? When it comes to mastering fear this advice might be helpful for you: “Excessive fear and self-doubt are the greatest detractors of personal genius.” – Robert Kiyosaki The Dictionary defines fear as “a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil or pain whether the threat is real or imagined,” and […]
Courage Takes Fear – Part 2
Continuing off last week … “Courage Takes Fear”. I ended by asking you to think of something that you are currently fearing. I’m curious how that has still affected you – has it changed? got worse? got better? Were you allowing yourself to be courageous while feeling the fear? Did you step out in courage […]
Courage to Fear
I was thinking recently in conjunction with one of the weekly calls that I participate with, what does it take to make a leap of faith? To step out? To jump in the cold icy waters of the unknown? Well of course it takes courage. It takes bravery to make action. And if you are […]
I have always wanted to travel across the ocean on a ship. I DID IT! April 2013! Now it is on my DONE LIST! This trip was a Bucket List Item for me. A friend called and said there was a transatlantic cruise, would I be interested in going with her. I had never gotten […]
Remarkable Presence of Gratitude
It is over and over that I learn about the presence that is created by being in a state of and expressing Gratitude. Today that seems to be the buzz word everywhere…and, for good reason. There are so many programs to help express gratitude. Gratitude is sharing everyday experiences that can revitalize your commitment to […]
Insider Secret in Network Marketing / Home Based Business
What scares you most in your business? Many Distributors say it is the follow up. Did you know that: 48% of sales people never follow up with a prospect 25% of sales people make a second contact and stop 12% of sales people make more than three contacts 2% of sales are made on the […]