How To Sell Your Teammates Desires

Teammates and team building takes work. There is no question about it. One of my most successful things I have done in the network marketing industry is know my teammate’s desires. How did I learn what these were? I build relationships with those that I worked with. We openly discussed what each of us wanted […]
Organizing Memorable Experiences For Your Network Marketing Team
So you have a business and you have started to build a team. How do you motivate your team members but not manage them? In my experience, having a motivated network marketing team is all about creating ongoing memorable experiences. As Maya Angelo said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you […]
Virtual VS. Voice
There are so many many people to reach out to nowadays, family, friends, Facebook friends, twitter followers, blog commenters, cell phone contacts, business clients, co-workers…. AND there are as many ways to not actually talk to them! Instant Message. Facebook. Twitter. Snapchat. Email. Texting…. the list goes on. I recently learned that calling someone on […]
Increase The Influence On Yourself Increase The Quality Of Your Life
Influence or persuasion is taking a relationship to a deeper level. This includes rapport and trust. Yes trust yourself at a deep level. Know confidently that your choices have been the best for you. It is giving more, doing more, creating more, being the highest aspect of yourself. From this point you will have created a […]